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Business, taken personally.

Fraud Prevention - Information

In recent months, clients of various firms of solicitors have been tricked by criminals into handing over significant sums of money.

The most common type of fraud is where the criminal ‘clones’ a firm of solicitors and sends you an email which looks like it comes from your solicitor.

Often a payment of fees or other monies (such as deposit monies for a house purchase), is requested. You are asked to make a direct transfer into the bank account details provided. The emails can look very convincing. In some cases, it looks as though the email has come from the firm because the sender’s email address is very similar to the correct email address. Another common type of scam is where a client’s email address is cloned or hijacked and an email is sent to their solicitor asking for monies to be paid by the solicitor to the fraudster’s bank account. Because of this, we will ask you early in the transaction for your bank details, and we will not accept email notification of changes to those account details.

Our current Client Account bank details are as follows:

Bank: HSBC
Account Name: The Endeavour
Partnership LLP Client Account
Sort Code: 40 33 01
Account Number: 83 66 48 56

Any changes to these details will be made to you in writing and separate from any request for payment. Please note that we are not planning any changes to our banking arrangements in the near future. Payment of invoices should be made to our office account, details of which will be on any invoice you receive. If you have any concerns regarding the authenticity of any correspondence we send to you, please contact the solicitor dealing with your case or our accounts team.

As explained in our retainer letter, we primarily correspond with clients by email and sometimes by post. If you would prefer us to only correspond with you by post, please let us know.

In order to try and minimise the risk of fraud, we will always try to ring and confirm any bank details you give us by e-mail before we send significant sums of money to you, and we are similarly happy for you to do so if you are sending funds to us.

If you have any other concerns or questions, please feel free to contact
our Accounts Manager, Yvonne Tyerman, (01642) 610300 or by email