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Business, taken personally.

Are you GDPR ready?

What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

The GDPR is a new regulation intended to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union, applying automatically to all EU member states from 25 May 2018. The GDPR replaces the Data Protection Act 1998.

Our team of data protection experts have devised a GDPR Self-Audit Tool, this includes the below documents to give your organisation an overview of how it is, or how it can become “GDPR compliant” :

  • Self-Audit Questionnaire;
  • GDPR E-Book;
  • Data Asset Inventory Spreadsheet;
  • and a GDPR Manual (relating to all things GDPR)

Our Tool is easy to use and cuts through the legal jargon providing you with the knowledge and ability to undertake an audit of your organisation to identify what steps it needs to take to be GDPR compliant before 25 May 2018.

Interested in our Self-Audit Tool? Click here for more information!

In other news, the ICO has recently published draft legislation and guidance regarding its registration fee for businesses using personal data into 3 tiers.

Read Laura Kirkpatrick’s latest blog to find out which tier you register under.

The GDPR is coming!

The deadline is swiftly approaching, make sure you're not caught out by the new regulations!

Contact a member of our team for information on our Self-Audit Tool or for general data protection advice by emailing at or complete our online contact. form.

Contact us here