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Business, taken personally.

Employment Law

Mental health in the workplace: how to be a mindful employer

The importance of looking after your staff’s mental health has never been so high on the agenda following the most recent national mental health campaign with the ‘#oktosay’, together with the much publicised Royal family support of the ‘Heads Together’ campaign over the last few months.

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Posted in: Employment Law

BREXIT: the future of EU workers within SMEs

Many UK businesses are finding themselves in ‘limbo’ following the triggering of Article 50 on 29th March 2017, marking the beginning of the UK’s departure from the EU. According to the latest research from the Federation of Small Businesses, over half of small businesses with EU workers are worried about accessing people with the right […]

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Posted in: Employment Law Brexit

Troublesome tweets – what to avoid when using social media

If your business uses social media, you need to be aware of publishing law and advertising regulations to ensure that incidents, like the ones discussed in this Article, are avoided.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Be sure to ‘mind the gap’ as new Gender Pay Gap rules come into force

It’s often talked about and now it’s here – the new Gender Pay Gap regulations come into force this month and they’re some of the highest profile legal changes of 2017 highlighting pay differences between men and women.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Don’t get hit by health and safety fines: here’s what you need to know

In February 2016, the Sentencing Council published its renewed and harder hitting sentencing guidelines. One year on, and we are already starting to see signs that courts are willing to hand down higher fines to businesses, with the amount fined being directly linked to the financial success of the offending company.

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Posted in: Employment Law

What’s your holiday entitlement over the festive period?

With Christmas and New Year right around the corner many employers will now be inundated with holiday requests from their employees.

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Posted in: Employment Law

For Christmas my employer gave to me … a trouble free work party

It has arrived! Tonight is our staff Christmas party and there are a lot of excited people buzzing around our office.

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Posted in: Employment Law

How to plan your staff Christmas party!

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Posted in: Employment Law

Employment tips for Christmas season!

‘It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year’ – festive employment advice for the christmas period. 

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Posted in: Employment Law

‘Taxi for Uber’… drivers gain new ground after employment tribunal

We have all experienced a taxi not turning up but on this occasion Uber, the US taxi app giant has been left high and dry by UK employment law in a new landmark decision.

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Posted in: Employment Law