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Employment Law

Keeping it cool: How hot is too hot to work?

With the surge of heat waves over the past few weeks, and the world on track to have one of the hottest years since records began, here’s what you need to know about keeping your company cool while temperatures soar.

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Posted in: Employment Law

The Immigration Act 2016 – A snapshot of what employers need to know

The Immigration Act 2016 (“the Act”) will be brought into force in stages over the coming months to “strengthen the immigration system and make it harder than ever for people who have no right to be in the UK to live here”. 

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Posted in: Employment Law

Brexit Britain from a Employment Law Perspective

With the historical decision made to leave the EU and negotiations ongoing and ever changing, it’s difficult to say at what level Brexit will impact UK employment law.

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Posted in: Employment Law Brexit

Pay Gap

The Government Equalities Office (GEO) has announced new legislation to help decrease the gender pay gap in the UK.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Do you employ staff on zero-hour contracts?

Protection for zero-hour contract workers comes in to force today under the Zero Hours Contracts (Redress) Regulations 2015

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Posted in: Employment Law

Employment Tribunal’s powers reduced… New Legislation favours the employer

From 1st October 2015, the Deregulation Act 2015 has come in to force.  The Deregulation Act provides for the removal or reduction of burdens on businesses, public sector bodies and the taxpayer…

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Posted in: Employment Law

Disability discrimination: non-payment of bonuses

Following a case in the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT), employers with bonus schemes that are linked to attendance should ensure that there is sufficient flexibility within the schemes to avoid withholding payment in circumstances where it is likely to be discriminatory.

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Posted in: Employment Law

How will the pension reforms affect you?

New pension freedoms for over 55s that were introduced at the start of April 2015 represent the biggest shake-up to pensions in a generation. Although the reforms will change the way we save and spend before and during retirement, people are advised not to be too hasty.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Employers to reveal gender pay gap

Companies which employ more than 250 people are reminded that they will soon have to reveal differences between average pay for male and female workers under a change to a law passing through Parliament.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Disability discrimination: reasonable adjustments

A large number of disability cases concern employees on long-term sickness absence and the steps that employers should take to help them to return to work. An EAT case illustrates that, generally, for an employer’s duty to make adjustments to be triggered, there must be an indication that the employee might be fit to return […]

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Posted in: Employment Law