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Business, taken personally.

Employment Law

Online and e-mail risks in the workplace: social media guidelines

The Attorney General has published guidance to help prevent social media users from committing a contempt of court.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Disability discrimination: reasonable adjustments

A Court of Appeal decision provides some useful guidance to employers in relation to making reasonable adjustments for disabled employees.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Service of a claim form on a company director

A recent High Court decision provides a warning to company directors who move abroad without updating their address for service on the register of directors. The claimants served the claim form on the defendant (a former director of the claimants) by delivering it to two addresses in England, which he had listed on the register […]

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Posted in: Employment Law

Restrictive covenants in employment contracts

Businesses will welcome a High Court decision which held that non-solicitation and non-dealing restrictive covenants in the employment contract of a recruitment consultant were enforceable.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Whistleblowing: qualifying disclosures

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has upheld an employment tribunal decision that three e-mails raising concerns about the dangers of driving in snowy conditions together amounted to a qualifying disclosure for the purposes of the whistleblowing provisions of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

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Posted in: Employment Law