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Employment Law

Time off for dependants: contacting your employer

Businesses will welcome an EAT decision on the right to time off for dependants which highlights the need for employees to ensure that they make contact with their employer to tell them why they are absent as soon as reasonably practicable for them to do so.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Health and safety: adverse weather conditions

An Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) decision provides a reminder to businesses to ensure that they have a clear adverse weather policy in place and that employees are kept as up-to-date as possible regarding any altered working arrangements during periods of adverse weather.

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Posted in: Employment Law

TUPE transfers: material detriment test

The EAT has upheld an employment tribunal’s decision that a relocation of three and a half miles following a TUPE transfer was not a substantial change to bus drivers’ working conditions to their material detriment. The employees were therefore not entitled to claim that they had been constructively dismissed or dismissed for the purposes of […]

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Posted in: Employment Law

Monitoring employees’ e-mail and internet use

An EAT decision provides a useful reminder for businesses of the value of having clear policies and procedures in place for staff. In this case, making sure employees were aware of the limits of using the employer’s email system and how use would be monitored.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Shared parental leave comes into force

From 5 April 2015, additional paternity leave and pay will be abolished to be replaced by shared parental leave (SPL).

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Posted in: Employment Law

Overtime and holiday pay landmark ruling – key issues for employers

Few will fail to have noticed the recent headlines regarding the Employment Appeal decision (Bear Scotland Ltd and others v Fulton and others UKEAT/0047/13) that even non-guaranteed overtime pay should count towards holiday pay. In the article below, Teesside’s Business Law Firm, Endeavour Partnership, unpicks some of the key aspects and implications of the decision. […]

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Posted in: Employment Law

Partners to be given right to accompany expectant mothers to ante-natal appointments

Employers are reminded that from 1 October 2014 an expectant father or partner of a pregnant woman will be entitled to accompany them to up to two ante-natal appointments.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Four million workers not enrolled in workplace pension schemes

Many people are under-saving for retirement, after data revealed that nearly 4.5 million people were not enrolled in a workplace pension scheme.

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Posted in: Employment Law

Legal 500 success

Endeavour Partnership has again retained its top tier status in the Legal 500

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Posted in: Employment Law News & PR Corporate / commercial updates Commercial Property

The National Minimum Wage increases on Wednesday 1st October

From 1 October 2014, the rate of National Minimum Wage (NMW) for employees will rise as follows:

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Posted in: Employment Law