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Business, taken personally.

Commercial Disputes

How to manage a neighbour dispute

A story hit the headlines earlier this month after a neighbour cut a tree in half which divided his drive from his neighbour’s drive. This being after a long dispute about pigeons nesting on his ‘side’ of the tree and causing a nuisance.

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Posted in:Commercial Disputes Commercial Property

Can Covid-19 cause a material adverse effect?

A recent hearing before the Commercial Court has provided some much needed clarity on a notoriously opaque but crucial subject – whether COVID-19 can be deemed to have caused a materially adverse effect.

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Posted in:Commercial Disputes

Contentious cladding: the conversation continues

Following the Grenfell tragedy, the use of aluminium and polyethylene cladding (ACM) was banned on high-rise buildings in excess of 18 metres, in December 2018. Rarely for the UK, the law was even enacted retrospectively to require the removal of ACMs on buildings constructed prior.

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Posted in:Commercial Property Commercial Disputes

Recovering rent arrears from your commercial tenants

The past 6 months have been challenging for businesses across the UK, with the Covid-19 pandemic having serious implications on the economy. The property sector has received several pieces of Government guidance throughout this period, many of which have been of benefit to commercial tenants renting their business premises.

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Posted in:Corporate Recovery and Insolvency Commercial Disputes Coronavirus

The benefits of virtual mediation during a pandemic

As the pandemic dictates how we run our day to day business and the UK continues to adhere to the social distancing rules, the use of technology-based solutions to resolve disputes are on the rise, one of these being virtual mediation.

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Posted in:Commercial Disputes Coronavirus

How a speedy response can secure client success

The story We received a panicked call from the client asking us to defend an application for Judgment in Default.  Legal proceedings had been issued by a company (the claimant) against our client and the notice had been served at his previous address.

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Posted in:Commercial Disputes

How to protect your supply chain against COVID-19

As a result of the coronavirus dominating the news since December 2019, we are starting to see a huge impact on business’ supply chains which may result in companies being unable to fulfil their contractual obligations.

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Posted in:News & PR Commercial Disputes Coronavirus

Prepare for the unexpected

Businesses don’t typically start out expecting to encounter a dispute, but matters can arise between businesses and/or individuals that can be difficult to resolve. We spoke to Ged Flanagan, Partner and head of department in the Commercial Disputes team about how to resolve a situation as early as possible and ensure minimal cost and disruption […]

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Posted in:Commercial Disputes